Long Overdue Post Saying Thanks

I want to thank Teacher/Learner for this award:

Here are the rules:

- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award to 15 bloggers recently discovered.
- Notify the blogger recipients.
- Link to the blogger who gave the award.

1. I have two pugs named Egon (after Spengler of Ghostbusters fame) and Freud (after the father of psychoanalysis).
2. I consider myself a foodie and love to go to nice restaurants, but my favorite food of all time is still blue box Kraft macaroni and cheese, and when I make it, I have to eat the whole box.
3. My husband and I got married last August and our wedding had a vintage bird theme.
4. I am always trying to save money by making coffee at home, but reading a book-or the New York Times book review if it is Sunday - at a coffee shop is one of my favorite things and I just can't give it up.
5. I have been working on a post-apocalyptic novel for the past 3 years.  The idea for it came to me in a dream.
6. Before I was an English major, I was a sociology major.
7. If I could move anywhere in the world, I would be torn between San Francisco and London.

Now to pass on the glory to 15 bloggers (for some, this may be an award encore):

1. Allie@ A Literary Odyssey
2. Eva@ A Striped Armchair
3. Steph@ Bella's Bookshelves
4. Ash @ English Major's Junk Food
5. Kerry@ Entomology of A Bookworm
6. Sarah@ Loving Books
7. Lenore@ Presenting Lenore
8.Deb Nance@ readerbuzz
9.Greg@ The New Dork Review of Books
10. Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner
11. Bethany @ words words words
12.Trai@ Tutor Girl Reads
13. Teacher/Learner@ Whatcha Readin'? Books
14. Adam @ Roof Beam Reader
15. Patti@ Peppermint PhD.


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