Readathon Update Post!

Yay!  It's the readathon.  I woke up this morning about an hour late, but still earlier than I have for previous thons.  This will be my place for min-challenges and updates throughout the day.

Hour 2:
Pages read: 53
Book Reading: Siobhan Vivian, The List
Where I'm Reading:  In bed

My Introductory Post:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?  Northern Arizona
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? R. J. Palacio, Wonder
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?  The Readathon isn't really about the snacks for me, but my mom did make some delicious vegan carrot, zucchini muffins and brought them over a couple days ago.  I'm having one now as a matter of fact.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!  I called my blog The Scarlet Letter because Hawthorne was one of the first writers that I read and hated at first, but read again later and got really excited about.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?  I'm not sure that I participated last time, but I have participated in the past.  I always have plans on the day of the readathon, so I've never been able to really throw myself into it.  I also have plans this afternoon, so today won't be the day, but maybe next time?  I'm really looking forward to finishing up some of the books I'm reading actually.

Update #2- Hour 4.5 - 8:40 a.m.

Pages read: 130 (got a little distracted talking to my hubby when he got home from work)
Book:  About to start Embroderies by Marjane Satrapi and then Black Water I think.
Where I'm Reading:  On my couch with a cozy blanket and my pugs.

I also participated in Allie's mini challenge.  She asks what book every high schooler should read.  Here is my answer:

This is a pretty hard question for me because I think that a lot of books that people do read as high schoolers are being read too early. For example, I love The Great Gatsby, but it is a book about people on the cusp between their twenties and their thirties, and the book was much more meaningful to me when I read it at that point in my life. So, although it isn't my favorite Shakespeare by any means, I am going to say Romeo and Juliet. The play is really about young love and the experience of being a teenager, so even though it is exactly their experience (hopefully:)), there are so many things in the play that resonate with kids in that age group.

Update #4-Hour 6- 10:10 a.m.

Pages read: 283
Book:  Going to start a new one- Black Water by Joyce Carol Oates
Where I'm Reading:  Still on the couch with the pugs, although that resulted in a nap last hour.
 Snacking on:  Some cheese crunch Wheat Thins

I also just complete the mini-challenge over at Reflections of a Bookaholic. Back to it!

Update #5- Hour 12: 5:46 p.m.

And I'm back from the baby shower...and back to reading!

Pages Read: 437
Book:  Not sure what to start next...maybe Wonder?
 Where I'm Reading: Back on the couch

 And here is my mid-event survey just under the wire:

1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?  I'm not sleepy because I just got back from a long period of not-reading.  I'll probably be up for a nap.
2) What have you finished reading? I finished The List, Embroideries and Black Water, plus some essays in a book that I'm reading for work.
3) What is your favorite read so far? I read a funny essay by Sherman Alexie, and I thought Embroderies was great.
4) What about your favorite snacks? There was some delicious food at the baby shower I went to.  Macaroons and some nice cheese plates.  Does that count?
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love!  I'm about to hit some blogs for commenting right now...


I didn't really do anymore reading about my Hour 12 update.  My husband and I had a friend come into town and we had forgotten we made plans with her.  I read about 30 more pages before we headed out to dinner, but then the readathon was abandoned:(  I didn't read for nearly as long as I wanted this time around, but I'm still happy with what I accomplished.  Thanks Dewey's!


  1. Cheese crunch Wheat Thins? Is that a new variety, or am I reading it wrong and you are having cheese with Wheat Thins? I hope it's the first because it sounds delicious. Clearly, it's lunch time for me :) Happy read-a-thon!

  2. You're a very good updater! I feel like I've been pretty shoddy at that. But, you know, reaaaaading! :) Hope you're still enjoying it!

  3. You are doing great! Keep it up.

  4. Oh, I really want to read The List! You're doing beautifully; keep going.

  5. You are doing so great and such great books

  6. Hi Laura! I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you in the "look" challenge. Head here for more info: I hope you participate! I'd love to read some of your writing.


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