TLC Book Tour: Yannick Murphy, This is the Water

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This is the book.  This is the book that you will read about swim moms, and small towns, and secrets.  This is the book with the mystery killer.  This killer will kill one of the girls on the swim team.  You will wonder through the book who is next.  This isn't the only mystery in the book.  This isn't the only mystery, because there are relationships in this book.  These relationships are complicated and sometimes scandalous, and these relationships will keep you turning the pages.

This is the style of the book.  This is an approximation of the style of the book in this review. *  At first, this style may drive you crazy.  This style may drive you crazy especially if you are an English teacher who is, perhaps unfairly, predisposed to dislike "you" and sentences that begin with "this is."  You may think that you don't like the book, because this style is driving you crazy.  But then, this style just might begin to grow on you.  And you might realize, this style is propulsive, and it is clever.  This style is clever because it mimics the strokes of a swimmer, and it works because it keeps pace perfectly.  This is a book whose story doesn't work without the style.

In the end, this is a book worth reading.  This is a book unlike other books.  This is the end of the review.  This is a TLC Book Tour, and this is a link to see other reviews.

Title:This is the Water
Author: Yannick Murphy
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Date: 2014
 Genre:Literary Mystery/Fiction

380 pages.
Where I got it: From the publisher and TLC Book Tours

*I say this humbly.  The style of the book is much more effective and sophisticated than the style of this review. 


  1. I LOVE the way you wrote this review! The style was definitely off-putting at first but I got into it and I think I'd enjoy that style in this book!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.


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